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  • Description
  • How to play?

This is a weird and disturbing place. Basically, a long yellow corridor with many doors. Where is the exit? Before you can find it, you have to open all these doors and see what’s behind them. You’ll have to figure out how to combine the objects you are going to find there and see what happens next. Every room is a puzzle, and there are no clues on how to solve it. Try different ways of interacting with the mysterious items waiting for you inside and see how long it takes you to get out of this creepy surreal maze!

Do not lose your sanity!

Your hero wakes up in a strange place. It is a kind of a labyrinth with endless rooms and corridors. The first impression is that the place is completely abandoned. Everything is covered with yellowish wallpapers and there are no windows or furniture here. You will see only bulbs that produce dim light. You start walking from a room to a corridor and to a new room, but nothing changes. There is no exit to be seen around.

The more you wander, the more bizarre feeling develops inside your head. It seems you move along some vicious circle and there is no solution to be found! Are you getting insane? Or is it only a treacherous game of your tired imagination? Only your watch can confirm you are not stuck in time and this is some weird adventure that you need to survive. Pull all your courage together and keep looking for the door to freedom! It can be right behind the next corner!

Analyze everything you find on your way!

Unfortunately, there will be no one around to help you. You will act on your own. So you should look around to find some hint that will allow you to move forward. From time to time, you will notice strange things scattered around. Do not underestimate their importance. Stop for a minute to thoroughly explore each item you find. These objects may contain some vital information that will make things move faster for you.

Be especially careful not to miss even a piece of paper. Do not get upset if you read only some words. Soon, you will find other notes, and all episodes will compose a text. It seems someone had already been here before you and tried to leave some message for you. Try to get as much information as possible to make the escape nearer. If you are a fan of horror games, you will love this unusual walkthrough. We bet you have not tested anything like this before. Dive into this thrilling survival challenge to enjoy a new adrenaline portion!

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