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Bad Ben

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  • Description
  • How to play?

Imagine that you are walking through a dark and empty house. There is not a soul here, but the feeling that someone is watching you doesn’t leave you. Something spooky and unexplainable lurks in this silence, you peer into every shadow and shudder every time the floorboard creaks under your foot. Maybe it’s just a wild imagination? Or does some mysterious force really dwell here? This is what you will have to find out by playing Bad Ben!

Explore the haunted house!

The main character has recently bought a new house. There are some strange rumors about this place, and its previous owner has mysteriously disappeared. But it does not stop the hero from the purchase. So one day, he decides to finally explore it. Somebody has warned him that the mansion has a weird security system that is being controlled by a tablet. At first glance, the place looks just fine – equipped with furniture and everything you may need to live here comfortably. But something still seems fishy here. The player will immediately get a feeling that he is not alone here.

He has personally unlocked the door a few minutes ago, so nobody can be here! So he starts to walk around the house checking one room after another. But suddenly a strange sound makes him shudder. Something has fallen down somewhere in the house. The next moment, you will hear the sound of broken glass. So what is going on here? Surprises are not over as soon the light will be cut off! Are you ready to dive into this dangerous adventure? No one knows what awaits you in this terrible house! It is going to be thrilling!

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