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Hello Neighbor

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  • Description
  • How to play?

Everyone has secrets that he does not really want to disclose. The main character of this exciting horror just lives next to such a person. The hero has just moved in a new house but he immediately noticed that his neighbor’s behavior is more than strange. The gay is too curious to sit still. At the same time, he decides not to call the police and investigate everything on his own. So he is determined to find out what terrible things are hidden by the silent neighbor. The antagonist’s house resembles a real fortress –it seems impossible to get inside. The place is difficult to climb over the fence, there are locks on the doors, the windows are well protected. But these barriers do not stop the hero. He still finds the way to enter that strange house and find himself in a true maze of rooms and corridors.

Strange house

Now, the task is to make his way to the basement where he may find all the clues. But this fun adventure will soon turn into a nightmare in which you need to survive! You should not forget that your opponent is not stupid at all. He will immediately notice the slightest noise and catch you. Actually, you are playing against artificial intelligence. And the program analyses your behavior and continuously makes the walkthrough more difficult. Your enemy will learn from your mistakes, and every time will invent more sophisticated traps to lure you in. The beginners will not be able to avoid a meeting with the antagonist. So every time you catch his eyes, the game will be over for you, and the level will automatically restart. But what is most interesting is that you will face all the traps and locations redesigned. And you will not be able to repeat your progress so quickly.

Game for everybody

Your main target is to unlock the basement. However, the closer you approach this place, the more difficult are the trials. Will you manage to solve all the puzzles with ease to discover what your neighbor is hiding there? But there is also a positive moment here – you can go through the tasks over and over again, without restrictions, until you get bored. And also remember that there are several episodes in this entertainment, which means that the insidious and dangerous neighbor has a lot of tasks for you, so you are unlikely to manage them all so easily. So if you are a true thrill-seeker, plunge into this exciting hide-and-seek game to check whether you can outwit the treacherous antagonist.

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